Tips on Holding a Safe Open House


NAR has designated September as Realtor Safety Month. There’s no time like the present for some safety tips.

Open house pic

Most of us will hold an open house at one time or another, so it’s a good idea to follow some safety guidelines so we don’t become a victim of crime.

Open houses are a great way to meet new buyers and expose your listing to the public, but they can be a target for criminals.

Here are 10 Tips for Holding a Safe Open house:

1. If possible, have at lease one other person working with you at the open house.

2. Check the strength, signal and the battery life of your cell phone before the open house.

3. Upon entering the house, check all rooms and select several “escape ” routes.

4. Make sure that escape routes through the back door do not prohibit your escape from the back yard. Make sure there are no high fences or locked gates.

5. Have all open house visitors sign in. Ask for full name, address, phone number and email.

6. When showing a house, try to walk behind them or along side of them.

7. Avoid getting cornered or trapped in small rooms, etc. Do not let a visitor distract you while someone else is in the house.

8. Inform a neighbor of the open house and make sure your office, family or friend are aware of your open house and check in with them frequently.

9. Tell the owners not to leave any drugs, jewelry or valuables out.

10. At the end of an open house, check all the rooms and yard before leaving. Close all windows and lock all doors. Be aware of your surroundings and be careful getting into your car.

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Michael Caruso, Broker Associate ABR ABRM CLHMS CRB CRS GREEN GRI

Surterre Properties

Past President, Orange County Association of Realtors (949) 495-8600

Keep Flies Away With One Simple Trick…It Really Works!

Keep flies away the natural way…

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I recently saw a post on facebook about this trick…and I never thought about blogging about it until now, since so many people had never heard of this, I thought it would be worth sharing.

My wife’s family has been doing this for many years to control flies the natural way. I was skeptical until we tried it ourselves. It really does work. We would just put in 1 penny and sometimes a crumbled up piece of aluminum foil in a bag, filled it with water and then hung it by a tree, under a patio umbrella or wherever pesky flies would be. It definitely works!

Below are comments on this fly control idea.

Zip-lock water bags: #1 Says: I tried the zip lock bag and pennies this weekend. I have a horse trailer. The flies were bad while I was camping. I put the baggies with pennies above the door of the LQ. NOT ONE FLY came in the trailer.The horse trailer part had many. Not sure why it works but it does!

#2 Says:Fill a zip lock bag with water and 5 or 6 pennies and hang it in the problem area. In my case it was a particular window in my home. It had a slight passage way for insects. Every since I have done that, it has kept flies and wasps away. Some say that wasps and flies mistake the bag for some other insect nest and are threatened.

#3 Says:I swear by the plastic bag of water trick. I have them on porch and basement. We saw these in Northeast Mo. at an Amish grocery store& have used them since. They say it works because a fly sees a reflection& won’t come around.

#4 Says:Regarding the science behind zip log bags of water? My research found that the millions of molecules of water presents its own prism effect and given that flies have a lot of eyes, to them it’s like a zillion disco balls reflecting light, colors and movement in a dizzying manner. When you figure that flies are prey for many other bugs, animals, birds, etc., they simply won’t take the risk of being around that much perceived action. We went from hundreds of flies to seeing the occasional one, but he didn’t hang around long.

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And thank you for making me Your Orange County Real Estate Connection.

Best regards,

Michael Caruso, Broker Associate ABR ABRM CLHMS CRB CRS GREEN GRI

Surterre Properties

Past President, Orange County Association of Realtors (949) 495-8600

Keep your Pets Safe and Cool in the Summertime


Five Ways to Keep Pets Cool
Water play, shade and tasty treats…

In the heat of the summer, you may be cranking up the air-conditioning to stay comfortable, but don’t forget about your four-legged pals — especially if they’re spending a lot of time outdoors. Consider these five fun and easy ways to keep them cool and happy.

H2O and treats

It may sound obvious, but your dog and other pets need access to plenty of fresh, cold water. On a really hot day, you might toss a few ice cubes in the bowl to keep the water even colder. There are also ice cream treats designed specifically for dogs, or you can find recipes online to make your own. Here’s one clever idea — fill an ice cube tray with chicken broth or beef broth and then toss your dog a “pop” once the individual squares are frozen.

Water play

Many dogs love to get wet, whether they are splashing in a stream, swimming in a lake or jumping into a kiddie pool in your backyard. You can also set up a sprinkler for them to run through.

Check out new products

There are always new products on the market to keep pets cool in the heat, such as cooling bandanas and collars, pet beds that can be filled with cool water, and a collapsible water dish that you can carry anywhere — from a hike to a car ride. Keep in mind that if you’re driving with your dog, do not leave him waiting in the car for you, even if you crack the windows. His body temperature can rise quickly in a hot car and prove fatal.

Limit activity in the middle of the day

If you’re heading out for a walk or involving your pet in other outdoor activities, make sure to plan your excursion during cooler parts of the day (morning and early evening). The middle of the day is usually the hottest, and too much activity during this time can lead to an overheated pet. Pay attention to your pet’s cues and seek the advice of a vet if she is exhibiting any health problems.

Provide shade

If your pet stays outdoors, make sure he has a shady place to retreat when the heat becomes too intense. If you don’t have any natural shade in your yard, consider getting a beach umbrella or invest in a doghouse.

With a little bit of thought and preparation, you can prevent your pets from suffering in the summer sun. And they’ll love you all the more for it.

This article is presented by M.Benz of Laguna Niguel, California

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And thank you for making me Your Orange County Real Estate Connection.

Best regards,

Michael Caruso, Broker Associate ABR ABRM CLHMS CRB CRS GREEN GRI

Surterre Properties

Past President, Orange County Association of Realtors (949) 495-8600

A Patriotic Light Display Honors Our Soldiers ~ A Memorial Day Tribute!

A beautiful tribute in honor of our troops, veterans and fallen soldiers.

memorial Day tribute

A family honors our 1.3 million fallen soldiers with this amazing patriotic light display – it’s a must see!

God Bless our soldiers and our country!

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And thank you for making me Your Orange County Real Estate Connection.

Best regards,

Michael Caruso, Broker Associate ABR ABRM CLHMS CRB CRS GREEN GRI

Surterre Properties

Past President, Orange County Association of Realtors (949) 495-8600

Caruso’s Saturday Shot ~ When Life Gives You Lemons…

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade!

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Past President, Orange County Association of Realtors (949) 495-8600

How A Homeowner Can Sabotage Their Own Appraisal…


For decades there has always been a difference of opinion with  homeowners and an appraiser when they need that critical number to match the refinance package that is underway with their lender.

The appraiser value opinion is only 1 opinion…but guess what, it’s the opinion that counts with your lender.

Here are some ways you can sabotage yourself:

1) Leaving the home untidy. Having an un-kept exterior or interior can cause an appraiser to decrease the value somewhat. Reminder owners – curb appeal is also important for an appraisal. Overgrown bushes or an un-kept home exterior could prompt an appraiser to take as much as 3 percent off the value, according to a CNN Money article.

2) Having incomplete remodeling projects. Don’t keep a remodeling project unfinished prior to an appraisal. If it’s a must, make sure you include details of the complete project and when it is to be finished to the appraiser.

3) Failing to list improvements or upgrades made to the home. Compile a list of upgrades and home improvements made to the home and provide it to the appraiser. While some items, like a new roof, may not help raise the appraised value, other items might.  Source: Realty Times

So needless to say, all the complaining in the world to your lender won’t overcome the self sabotage…take care of projects, clean up and focus on the homes overall presentation before starting your refinance package. Treat the home like you were getting it ready to go up for sale. Lots of preparation, repairs and primping is worth all the effort. Because, when the time comes for that appraisal value analysis…you’ll be glad you did! 


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And thank you for making me Your Orange County Real Estate Connection.

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Past President, Orange County Association of Realtors (949) 495-8600





Think Big, Shop Small ~ Spread the Word…


 Let’s start a movement…


As a local independent broker, I know how hard it is to compete with larger companies, but you can make it with good customer skills, marketing and word of mouth. Repeat customers and referrals is what keeps me in business. So let’s raise awareness of the importance of patronizing small businesses. 

Shop Small Stores is a buy-local campaign which promotes strengthening local economies through the support of local independent retailers. Buy gifts in small stores, eat meals at small restaurants.

As we do the rest of our holiday shopping and entertaining, let’s think first of small independent companies. Shop at your local toy or book store (if one still exists). Stop at your local home grown coffee shop or café and pick up a gift certificate. This will bring back business to the small business at a later time.

Small Business Saturday was a success to many towns and retailers that participated. However, we need to keep the movement going. Let’s all continue the movement by shopping in our local independent stores every weekend.  Let’s get the local economy rolling… 

Think Big, Shop Small.  Spread the word…

 Don’t forget to reduce, reuse and recycle!

And thank you for making me Your Orange County Real Estate Connection.

Best regards,


Past President, Orange County Association of Realtors (949) 753-7900

Thoughtful Tuesday ~ The Final Salute


Minutes after her husband’s casket arrived at the Reno airport, Katherine Cathey fell onto the flag. 


The night before the burial of her husband 2nd Lt. James Cathey of the United States Marine Corps, killed in Iraq, Katherine Cathey refused to leave the casket, asking to sleep next to his body for the last time. The Marines made a bed for her, tucking in the sheets below the flag. Before she fell asleep, she opened her laptop computer and played songs that reminded her of “Cat”, and one of the Marines asked if she wanted them to continue standing watch as she slept.

” I think it would be kind of nice if you kept doing it” she said.

” I think that’s what he would have wanted”.

No words can describe this final salute.  

How honorable:  Being married to this very faithful and loving wife and the Marine standing next to the casket watching over both of them.

God Bless Our Troops!

And thank you for making me Your Orange County Real Estate Connection.

Best regards,


Past President, Orange County Association of Realtors (949) 753-7900

Thankful Thursday ~ Tribute to Steve Jobs

Thank You for all your contributions to the world, you were a great pioneer and visionary that touched so many people. Your legacy will live on… 


 Steve Jobs visionary thinking and innovative design techniques created an imprint that changed and modernized an entire industry into a new age of thinking, and how the world operates, making people’s lives much easier.

 And thank you for making me Your Orange County Real Estate Connection.

Best regards,


Past President, Orange County Association of Realtors (949) 753-7900