Hello…it’s me again – Southern California

Hi…remember me? I’m the Great State of California and you always hear about me on the news.

Forget the fact that I’m broke, you usually hear me referred to along the lines of severe drought, wildfires, heavy rain and then mudslides / landslides, if we ever get our winter rains.

Guess what?  We have our multi-year drought, we had our fires this past autumn and now it’s winter…so here it comes!  You’ll read and hear about us again – because a series of winter rain storms is arriving and we’ll have those mudslides and landslides.

Please keep us in your most positive thoughts and prayers.

And thank you for making me Your Orange County Real Estate Connection.

Best regards,

Michael Caruso, Broker ABR ABRM CRB CRS GREEN GRI

2007 President, Orange County Association of Realtors


Texting and Driving PSA-Must See

A new Public Service Announcement about texting while driving is causing some stir. The PSA, with over 1 million YouTube hits, graphically warns teens about the dangers of texting while driving.text

A recent Virginia Tech study found that drivers are 23 times more likely to be involved in a collision if texting.

The video shows 2 teen girls driving, giggling, and texting. The driver smashes into another car and after a couple seconds a third car slams into the passenger side. The driver sees her friend dead next to her and become hysterical. It is emotional, bloody and violent, but has the potential to really make teens think.

You can find the video here, but here is the DISCLAIMER: it is very graphic…



And thank you for making me Your Orange County Real Estate Connection.     


Best regards.                                                                                                               

Michael Caruso, Broker ABR ABRM CRB CRS GREEN GRI                                   

2007 President, Orange County Association of Realtors  

(949) 753-7900